Alas my adaptations to the Tartine Khorasan/Kamut loaf resulted in another pancake. I continue on determined if not a bit deflated!


This recipe is a modified version of the Kamut 60% loaf from Tartine Book No. 3. I reduced the Khorasan/Kamut percentage and added Bread Flour to improve dough strength.

Ingredients Grams
Whole-grain Khorasan flour (Central Milling) 250
Medium-strong wheat flour, sifted (King Arthur Bread Flour) 125
High-extraction wheat flour (50/50 Whole Wheat/All-Purpose) 125
Wheat germ 35
Water 425
Leaven 75
Fine sea salt 13

Number of Loaves: 1
Hydration Percentage: 85%
Slap and Fold (Yes/No): No
Autolyse (Time/No): 1 hours

Hot Takes + Notes

After my previous attempt at the Tartine Kamut loaf resulted in no rise. I knew I needed to tweak some things. From my research I knew that ancient grains had less gluten so would need additional assistance getting a good rise. I thought that having a stronger starter, being more patient with the fermenting, more folds, more pre-shaping would all be enough to accomplish the sufficient dough strength but it was not enough.

Things to fix for next time: I am backed in a corner, with only one way out, I must, SLAP. AND. FOLD.

If you are not familiar the slap and fold technique is a method of building strength in high hydration doughs. My understanding is slap and fold is a form of kneading.

Wikipedia - Kneading:

Kneading is a process in the making of bread or dough, used to mix the ingredients and add strength to the final product. Its importance lies in the mixing of flour with water; when these two ingredients are combined and kneaded, the gliadin and glutenin proteins in the flour expand and form strands of gluten, which gives bread its texture.

Chad Robertson makes no mention of kneading or slap and fold in the recipe or in the entire Tartine No. 3 book for that matter. But Maurizio (favorite bread guru) at The Perfect Load mentions in his Slap and Fold guide that he typically applies the technique at dough hydration levels above 78%. This loaf is at 85% hydration AND uses low gluten flour.

What if this doesn’t work? I blame the Khorasan flour I purchased, take no responsibility, and never speak of this recipe again.


Khorasan 50
Khorasan 50% Loaf
Khorasan 50 Cross Section
Khorasan 50% Loaf Cross Section